Mobilisation and campaigning with Impact Stack

Join leading charities in Europe and use our powerful technology platform to increase your campaigning impact.

Create petitions, email politicians and campaign targets, collect messages, grow your movement, and much more!

Petitions and forms

You can use Impact Stack to build any form you need. From petitions to volunteer signup forms, surveys, event registrations… even simple quizzes!

Quick and easy page creation

Create your action pages within minutes using the simple step-by-step process.

Flexible GDPR compliant opt-ins

Collect and safely store supporter email, phone and post opt-ins. Our flexible range of options let you collect opt ins and outs in a way that works for you.

Tailored thank you pages

You can tailor the thank you page your supporter sees depending on a range of factors. Why not show an opt-in page to people not yet on your email list? Or a different follow-on action to people who said they were directly affected by the issue?

Form builder

Drag and drop your form field into place, tweak labels and settings all in one place. You can save template forms and use them again in seconds.

Advanced email to target functionality

The email to target action type has all of the benefits of petition and flexible forms, plus some advanced functionality to make sure that your supporters’ emails make a big impact with your campaign targets.


We provide a range of included datasets, including UK MPs, councillors, and devolved governments. But you can also upload your own and target anyone you can find an email address for! Read more about available datasets here.

Personalised messages

Emails have an even bigger impact when they’ve been personalised by the supporter. That’s why we’ve made it easy for you to encourage your supporters to tailor their messages, either by editing the email itself or answering one or two questions that can be automatically added in.

Target and tailor your messages

Not all targets are the same, so the emails they receive shouldn’t be either. Using our advanced tools, you can target and tailor messages depending on any factor you need, from political party, all the way down to individual targets.

Safely test your actions

With 'test mode', safely test and proofread your filters and tailored messages, with all emails delivered to your address, rather than the target's.

Social and growth

Whether you’re looking to grow your list or engage your existing supporters, our sharing functionality and seamless integrations make it a breeze.

Boost your form conversions and grow your list organically using Impact Stack’s great social features.

Social proof

In just one click you can add social proof such as counters, thermometers and recent signer blocks to your action pages, creating a sense of community and boosting your conversion rates.

Social sharing

Asking existing supporters to share your campaign is a fantastic way to boost support for it and grow your lists for future actions. That’s why social sharing is inbuilt into all Impact Stack actions.

Set up sharing buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Email, WhatsApp, and Messenger on any thank you or share page.

Complete tracking

Through integrations with Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Facebook Tracking Pixel and many other platforms you can get started with complete tracking in place.

Integrated supporter experiences

Impact Stack allows you to create integrated on-page and email journeys. Read more here.

Want to see it in action?

We would be happy to show you our platform.

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