Technology for charity campaign coalitions

The 2024 General Election

The 2024 UK General Election offers a key opportunity to make a big splash with your campaign, and coalitions are a great way to maximise your reach and impact.

If you’re a charity or not-for-profit who is forming or joining a coalition that needs a powerful technology platform to bring your plans to life, Impact Stack is your perfect partner. Here’s why:

Shared actions - tailored experiences

The power of coalitions is in the ability to share and multiply eachothers work and impact. But each organisation in a coalition has unique needs. With Impact Stack, you can enjoy the best of both worlds. 

It’s easy to clone and share key assets like action pages, forms and design work. You can then tailor your supporters’ experience to match your charity’s unique needs. Add your logo, adapt form fields, update your contact opt-in questions, set up thank you pages and tailored redirects that allow you to ask followup actions including donations to your organisation. You can also set up data flows per organisation (more below). 

You can enjoy all of the efficiencies and power of a coalition, without losing flexibility to design great experiences for your supporters, and your internal goals. 

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Powerful campaign actions

Impact Stack makes it easy to create a range of different campaign and engagement actions, from handraisers and petitions to more targeted and tailored content like email to target and message to target. 

Email to target actions allow your supporters to email either pre-defined or geographically mapped campaign targets. Geographically mapped UK targets include Members of Parlaiment (MPs), Prospective Parliamentary candidates (PPCs), as well as local and devolved politicians. And you can load your own pre-defined target lists, including using smart segmentation features that allow you to filter or tailor messages for different campaign targets. 

Message target actions come with all of the same powerful geo-lookup and segmentation features but instead of immediately emailing the target, the supporter submissions (including any messages they write) are captured for you to hand in at a later date.

Design that drives action

We’ll set up a beautiful campaign theme to match your coalition branding with a version for each coalition partner which displays their own logo. 

These pages are designed by our team of design and mobilisation experts, using over a decade of testing and optimisation data to deliver pages that engage and convert your supporters.

Easy setup with great support

Coalitions are hard work - there’s no reason your technology needs to be. Thanks to the easy action setup interface, as well as expert support on hand from the mobilisation experts at ‘more onion’, your team will be able to effortlessly setup and launch powerful actions. We’re also available for hands-on mobilisation strategy and execution if you need some extra capacity.

Shared social proof

Easily turn on social proof which either shows your charity/organisation’s action count, or show one which automatically totals the actions from across the coalition. 

Data management to fit your needs

Impact Stack for coalitions allow you to collaborate well with your coalition partners while also keeping your data separate and safe. 

Each user login is connected to a specific charity/organisation within the coalition meaning you can update your own forms, manage your opt-in fields, data segmentation and integrations. Though the actions and outward facing social proof can be connected, you will also only have access to your organisations data. This makes compliance with GDPR and your internal privacy policies very straightforward. 

Impact Stack also offers excellent data integrations including with email tools like Mailchimp and your CRM through its powerful webhooks. So each coalition partner can have their data flowing into their own tools without burdensome manual processes. 


As well as offering instant integrations with popular tools like Google Analytics, Impact Stack also makes an analytics database available that you can use to monitor the entire platform in your data analysis system of choice. 

If you’d like to learn more about Impact Stack and get a free demo, please just reach out

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Impact Stack has already supported global coalitions to collect over a million petition signatures and achieve historic change.