World Animal Protection: raising customer voices
Collecting supporters’ statements about captive dolphin attractions allowed World Animal Protection to send personalised messages to their target, holiday company TUI, and make the most of those messages across other media.

World Animal Protection have been campaigning for an end to captive dolphin attractions, including asking holiday companies to stop promoting and selling tickets for these shows.
Ads targeting holiday customers and TUI staff directed them to the action page, where they were asked ‘Now that you know that TUI profits from the suffering of dolphins, what do you want to tell them?’ An amazing 75% of people put in some form of personal message, some short, some long, which was included in the email which TUI received.

World Animal Protection also made the most of those personal comments, sharing a compilation of messages in a short social media video, pushed out on social channels during the TUI AGM, to make sure that the issue was highlighted to a wider audience.
Says Sean Robinson, digital manager, “This activity performed significantly better than any of us anticipated. We managed to gather thousands of valuable comments from TUI customers which have been shared directly with TUI themselves. The responses have been seen by TUI staff which ensures people across the organisation are recognising the groundswell of support for our campaign. We built from this a new promotional video and it’s helped us engage with an audience who may not be our traditional supporter base.
“This entire project was turned around in just a couple of weeks. Because of the simplicity of the Impact Stack tool, we were able to be agile and create an effective and engaging campaigning action which has had a real effect.”

You can hear more about this action and others in our webinar recording Innovative digital campaign actions.